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Disconnecting From And Countering Reality

March 1, 2022

Corrupters reconstruct a state of existence disconnected from and in opposition to the universe of objective realities that create life.

It's the equivalent of playing house, where imaginative reality is the preferred state of existence. The imagined reality can be any substitute for objective reality, because getting disconnected is the entire purpose.

One of the results is that there is no stable reality in that state of existence. Being adapted to unstable reality, corrupters are all over the map with their claims. They change their mind on a whim in attempting to tailor reality for purposes.

An example is how conservative Christians explain the news in terms of the "end-times." Every event is linked to Israel in some way, while the story changes as the news changes.

The same thing occurs on every subject for corrupters, but issues which are not dramatic simply look like strange opinions.

There are no rules for imaginative reality, as corrupters despise any type of rules or requirements being imposed upon them. Instead, the primary purpose is to avoid and break down objective reality.

In contriving imaginative reality, corrupters exist in an artificial world which puts out the fire of truth that rationality creates. It's a lot like wearing clothes to change one's appearance, and often like a hazmat suit for protection.

The net result is an insulation of contrived realities that redescribe existence in any form other than the truth form. Impositions of truth must be stomped out and prevented from entering the contrived world of non-realities.

Fake science and technology are clear and provable examples. There is no real description of the fake science and technology, as obliterating truth is the primary purpose.

Why then are some of the greens so dogmatically determined to prevail with the fakery? Because the most driven ones are trying to prevail, not with science or technology, but with domination. All corrupters are, first and foremost, trying to dominate.

Domination is the most basic element of corruption, as corruption always starts with the assumption that if a person could prevail against others, it would solve his problems, which is domination.

It's the gameboard mentality. To win on a gameboard, opponents must be defeated. Corrupters exist at that level. When their whole lives are a gameboard, they get quite dogmatic in their determination to prevail with nonsense.

Which of course is why they can't be told and their errors can't be corrected. The errors have a purpose in disconnecting from the objective reality that defeats corrupters in their attempts to be winners through domination.

That mentality rose to the surface in an unprecedented way with the recent Ukraine conflict. The claims of the rationalizers are beyond preposterous and infantile. The head of Ukraine is whining about war crimes, after murdering 18 thousand Ukrainian separatists with weapons supplied by the U.S. Even if the number is wrong, the whole process couldn't be more criminal. Putin called it genocide.

The infantile journalists in the U.S. are trying to portray the entire problem as a motive of Putin's in taking over Europe with the western world heroically trying to promote freedom and democracy by arming Ukraine to the hilt and destroying the economy of Russia.

That, while everyone relevant knows why Russia is invading Ukraine. Russia has been saying why for twenty five years. NATO placing weapons on its border is a threat to Russian existence, because there is no other reason for the weapons than threatening Russia's existence. It's no different than Russia moving weapons to the Texas border.

Why is it necessary to make up infantile explanations for an invasion? Because corrupters cannot live with the truth. They need fake reality which they can dominate, while truth exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are.

The need for reality that opposes objective (actual) reality is not met with the creativeness that would be required to synthesize an alternative. Instead, the need to oppose objective reality is met with counter intention.

Counter intention is the primary mechanism for the reactions of corrupters. It becomes somewhat automatic in the continuous need to oppose; and it requires no ability to create a complex alternative. It is simply the opposite of what opponents do or say, particularly the opposite of the despised rationality continually imposing itself upon corrupters.

One of the opposites is in the worth of other persons. Corrupters are drawn to degenerates in their hate for rational constructivity. In degenerates, they see someone they can identify with and who is rejected by rational persons. That means degenerates being somewhat heroic in the deranged world of corrupters.

Demagoguery thrives on counter-intention. A demagogue constantly harps on the opposite of truth and rationality, which strangely draws in followers rather than repels them. That's because all corrupters are trying to oppose the rationality that they despise by promoting the opposite of what rational persons require.

Critics look for the logic of false realities corrupters produce; but there isn't supposed to be a logic for the lies. The purpose of the lies is to counter the objective reality which corrupters cannot tolerate. An absence of logic is required for the purpose.

Corrupters weaponize lies to fight off objective reality and defeat the despised rationality. They need to be on a different planet; and they will not tolerate anyone imposing planet Earth onto them.

There are two levels of corruption. One level is simply an attempt to disconnect from the rationality that defeats corrupters. Greens are such disconnected corrupters. Why was the incandescent light bulb outlawed, if electricity is carbon free for automobiles?

A second level of corrupters are so incompetent and driven to prevail that they need a fight as a mechanism for domination.

A fight is a method of prevailing when any form of reality must be opposed, because reality will allow opponents to prevail. A fight is a method of stripping all reality from a subject and attempting to prevail through force and violence. Corrupters can never lose a fight, because opponents are defeated simply by removing all reality from a subject. An opponent is someone who depends upon realities, while low level corrupters depend only upon force and violence to get their way.

Conservatives are low level corrupters who do everything through a fight. The conservative cause draws in such persons, because the power of a group of like-minded persons is essential for such persons to prevail through force and violence.

Conservatives are making plans for winning the next election. What they plan to do is attack certain opponents who they have set their sights on. In other words, looking for a fight is the only concept conservatives have for running the government.

So-called cancel culture is one of the fights conservatives have been focussed on. The ridiculousness is in the fact that cancelling is the only thing conservatives do. Someone must have noticed that when they coined the term. But conservatives want to pin the label on opponents, while it only fits themselves. Cancelling was the only thing Trump did in running the government, considering that tweeting was not a part of running the government. Everyone around Trump but his relatives was cancelled (fired) or would have been if his administration hadn't ended first.

Critical race theory is a fight used by conservatives for book burning and taking over the schools, even though it is only supposed to be applied to philosophical analysis handled at the university level.

Planet Of The Frauds

The whole purpose of carbon dioxide fakery is to reconstruct planet Earth into a planet of fraud. Everything humans do is supposedly destroying the planet by creating carbon dioxide. Everything the frauds do is supposedly the solution in being carbon free.

Outlawing incandescent light bulbs is supposedly removing carbon dioxide from the air. Producing electric vehicles is supposedly carbon free.

It's like mowing down the Amazon rain forest, tree by tree. Every problem that can be identified is supposedly caused by carbon dioxide. Every absurdity that can alter technology is supposedly the solution in reducing carbon dioxide.

The result is moving human activity off planet Earth and onto a fraud planet that corrupters can control as a super totalitarian state. When science and engineering cannot be applied to the subject, totalitarian frauds have achieved their new Nazism—unaccountable to no one in imposing fraud upon everyone.

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Draining The Economy Dry

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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