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The Contrivance State Of Existence

May 9, 2023

Corrupters demand a contrivance state of existence as a substitute for constructive existence, because they fail at their purposes when the demands of constructivity are imposed upon them. In other words, the contrivance state is the equivalent of a criminal state of existence but more broad and total.

Contrivance must be freely unlimited to meet the demands of corrupters. Any restrictions destroys the process of unlimited contrivance. Of course, the demands of rational and constructive existence are the opposite—they destroy contrivances.

One purpose of unlimited contrivance is maximum synthesis and another is uninhibited destructivity. They go together. destructivity is needed to remove the obstacles to maximum synthesis.

Freedom points in that direction for corrupters. Conservatives are constantly harping on freedom. It's strange, because the rest of us already assume we are free. But that's because we are willing to live with the demands placed upon us by the objective realities of the universe that define life. Those requirements are restrictions upon corrupters which they want to get free from.

Corrupters put themselves in conflict with the universe by their destructiveness. They don't know it. They are too stupid to understand the requirements of the universe in sustaining life; so they are constantly creating conflicts through their destructivity. Unlimited contrivance frees them from that problem.

Conceptualize a jam session of improvised music which goes unlimitedly into complexities. In the spirit world, that can be done more easily than under material conditions. Corrupters entertain themselves that way in the spirit world. So that sort of thing creates their model concept of why unlimited synthesis should be the ideal state of existence.

For that reason, corrupters despise material life in addition to the rationality and human laws that go with material life. So why are they in material life? Because that's where the power is; and corrupters are drawn to the power; but they can't stand the demands that go with it. So they assume they can get both the power and unlimited freedom through criminality in human life.

Corrupters view criminality as a virtue which they promote, even while they must evade the reactions against it. But of course, that only means a virtue for themselves, while they attack opponents for being criminals. Corrupters can't understand that difference—how criminality can be virtue for themselves and evil for their enemies—because making relationships between realities does not occur in their minds. Hypocrisy, as such contradictions, is an inseparable part of corruption due to the lack of making relationships between realities in corrupt minds.

Corrupters expect to act out whims without restrictions. That means always, no matter how absurd and destructive. That tendency was manifest by the Nazis in "gassing the worthless eaters." The Nazis had unlimited power to do as they pleased, and that is what they wanted to do. Never again, everyone else says. But that short-lived example shows what corrupters strive for as unlimited contrivance: nothing standing in their way of doing as they please under any circumstances.

That purpose didn't end with Nazism. Corrupters are forever trying to achieve unlimited contrivance with nothing standing in their way. They assume it is not only the highest standard of achievement but a universal requirement of existence in contrast to the human state of creating laws and demands through rationality. Lawlessness is a property of that purpose.

Endless examples of corruption show uninhibited contrivance as a tool for advancing the power of corrupters. The most extreme and obvious is relativity. It has no relationship to the rest of physics or existing knowledge. It is used as a tool for imposing fraud as a standard in physics.

Gravity wave measurements supposedly measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler than vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles. Why not something more credible? Because destroying rationality was needed to advance the purpose of unlimited contrivance.

Similarly, a helicopter on Mars is an impossibility, because there is only one percent as much atmosphere on Mars as on Earth. Helicopters are too marginal on Earth to function at much lower atmospheric pressure. So why the absurdity? To break down rationality in putting incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

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Gravity Wave Measurements

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