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Corrupters Need Fraud


September 21, 2020

Most people are too forgiving of corruption. They assume everyone is like themselves and the differences are mysterious. Are they ever wrong.

Most people don't need fraud. Corrupters do. Fraud to corrupters is like money to the Mafia. Fraud is the bread and butter of corrupters.

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. Truth is generated through all interactions of realities. Rationality develops truth in a deliberate manner. So rational persons are defeating corrupters, knowingly and unknowingly, in normal processes.

So corrupters need an escape from the conditions which do that. It's like living under the ocean and needing an air bubble for an environment. Fraud creates the air bubble in an environment of rationality.

You might think corrupters could just repent and be like everyone else. There is a saying which explains why not. Leopards don't change their spots. Corrupters have no chance of competing in a normal world. So they try to change the nature of the process to something they can excel at, and fraud is how they get there.

Fraud destroys realities. So it is easier to produce fraud than rationality. There is no wrong way to produce fraud. There are infinite versions of fraud but only one truth.

Fraud allows corrupters to produce a different version of reality for every purpose. It's not functional reality; so what do corrupters get out of it? They get the power to prevail.

Prevailing by dominating is what fraud is used for. Objective reality is stripped out of the way through fraud, so force can be used in an unobstructed manner for dominating other persons and their social structures.

Therefore, trying to correct fraud is doomed to failure. Fraud is not a version of reality; it is a weapon against reality.

What it means is that fraud is about the persons, not about their realities. Persons should not be attacked subjectively, but their corrupt methods are objective realities. Corrupt standards need to be exposed for what they are, which is not an analysis of realities but of corruption of character.

Corrupters billboard their corruptions and schemes for everyone to see, because they have no awareness beyond themselves. What they are saying applies to themselves. They try to project their corruptions onto other persons, but they know nothing of other persons. They are describing themselves in their attacks upon other persons.

What it should mean is that corrupters can be held accountable for their own admissions, even though they try to project those realities onto others. They are telling us what they are doing and what it means through their projected accusations against other persons. Their projections tell us where the focus should be in dealing with their corruptions.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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