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The Corporation Dilemma


Corporations should pay every last penny of their profits in taxes except what they give to stock holders. They have no legitimate use for profits, which they use for screwing up science and technology. Yet conservatives have no other outlet for their purposes than giving tax dollars to corporations.

May 1, 2021

Corporations need to exist in some form. The problem is, they are too dependent upon the subjectivity of the persons who control them. It's not right for social structures to be influenced subjectively. Rational and moral persons make sure they remove all subjectivity from their social functions. Corrupters do not. What happens when they run corporations subjectively? No solution has been possible.

There are a lot of methods of coping with the problem of subjectivity in corporations. Rules and standards which create procedures and set boundaries make a lot of difference. Those procedures were evolving and improving, until conservatives took over the world in 1981. They reversed all gains humans have been making in government over the past five thousand years.

The pretense of conservatives is that government should have no influence over social activities. Why then should corporations have such an overwhelming influence over social activities? The difference is that government is produced by accountable procedures, while corporations are not.

Conservatives put corporations outside the law. When power mongers take over the social structure starting with corporations, the corruption becomes unlimited without laws which are validly produced through governmental procedures.

In other words, conservatives are on a path of promoting power mongering corruptions in the social structures. Conservatives are obsessed with their inability to prevail over rationality. So they are trying to redesign the social order for power mongers prevailing over rationality. Legitimate government has to be neutralized to do that.

Competition hypothetically takes care of some of the corruptions produced by corporations. But government laws are needed to promote competition. Without government, power structures including corporations systematically eliminate competition.

Conservatives harp on laissez-faire pretending that removal of all restrictions takes care of everything. Without restrictions, criminals rule and eliminate all competition.

Corporations pay almost no federal taxes now days. They used to pay 60% of government revenue. The conservative take-over of government produced that result. Every two years, conservatives attempt to produce more tax give-aways for corporations and succeed about half the time.

There is endless fraud in promoting tax give-aways for corporations. The most basic and prevalent fraud is the pretense that corporations will use the tax give-aways for enhancing their businesses. Underlying that fraud is the pretense that taxation takes something out of corporations that could be used for their legitimate purposes.

The fraud of that position is contradicting the fact that corporations spend all the money they want on any purpose related to their business tax free from the beginning. Federal taxes only apply to the amount corporations have left over after doing all they squandering they can possibly do. So there is nothing enhanced by giving them tax dollars.

The explanation that corporations use for the excess profits is that they need them for rainy-day funds. Rainy-day funds could have a specified purpose of being used for future expenses. Any amount put in should be used for expenses within ten years or go to taxes.

Look what corporations are doing with their excess profits. They are trying to redesign the social order around renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Every bit of progress that they make in those directions results in destroyed resources and increased expenses for the lower classes paying for necessities related to utilities and transportation. Promoting that result is obviously the purpose of conservatives, as fighting a war against the lower classes is what they do. Even if the greens (fake liberals) want that result, doing so outside government regulations is an unaccountable railroad job. If they had truth and knowledge on their side, they could do things in a legitimate manner.

It's no business of corporations to be redesigning the social order. Accountable government is supposed to be used for such purposes. Of course, politicians cannot correct errors in science and technology; those complexities are supposed to be sorted out outside of government. Power mongers using corporations to produce the result is a contempt for democratic procedures.

In other words, conservatives are trying to generate corrupt power through corporations by going around accountable government and making sure corporations have plenty of money to spend doing so without taxes getting in the way. Corporations cannot create a constructive alternative to government, which is exactly why conservatives promote their unrestricted power while getting rid of validly and accountably produced government laws.

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