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How Conspiracies Alter Reality

Conspiracies are always power sources. Persons with moral character refuse to be a part of conspiracies because of the corruptness of power structures. So conspirators relate to individuals as corrupters, as if groups were sacred and individuals were in conflict with the sacred.

One of the reasons why conspiracies are corruptions rather than sacred is because conspiracies must be in conflict with objective reality. Objective reality dissipates corruptions and sources of power, because objective reality is the size of the universe and is the determining influence over life. The definition of right as well as the correcting influence over wrongs is the alignment upon objective reality. Ordered existence is not possible in conflict with the objective reality which shapes the universe.

So conspirators must put themselves in conflict with objective reality to generate a subjective source of power which they control and exploit. Conspiracies are an alternative state of existence or they don't exist.

Constructing the alternative state of conspiracies requires synthetic reality. The synthetic reality must belong to the conspirators. To create ownership of reality it must be under the control of the conspirators. The more unique and in conflict with objective reality the synthetic reality is the more effective it is in defining and shaping the conspiracies.

Conspirators contrive obtuse reality for these reasons. If it isn't obtuse, it doesn't do what it is supposed to do to enhance the conspiracies. If reality is less obtuse, it has more of a relationship to objective reality which breaks down the power and purpose of the conspiracies.

Since conspirators promote obtuse reality as a source of power, they are not credible and they do not rely upon credibility for their power. They impose themselves upon society in conflict with reality.

This is why fake science and technology are not credible and continue to persist in society. They need to be incredibly fake to generate power over objective reality for incompetent power mongers who depend upon conspiracies to impose themselves onto society.


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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