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Corruption Is Fixing


September 15, 2020

Corrupters can't leave people alone. To rationalize their impositions, they pretend to be fixing. People don't have a right not to be fixed by corrupters.

Rational existence is based on knowledge which is not fixing. Knowledge allows people to do their own fixing.

That mentality is an extreme break from human assumptions. The ten basic rights described by Constitution amendments are an attempt to prevent corrupters from imposing their perversions onto people. Fixing is a defiance of that concern.

A defiant contempt for the self-evidence and inalienable rights should be self-condemning, yet it is used as a justification for corruption. Why isn't the purpose the worst of criminal impositions? To normal humans it is, but they seem to be helpless in dealing with the problem.

Part of the helplessness is in the fact that human language is not designed for extremely nonhuman activity. There is no developed vocabulary for evil which is in conflict with human standards. So evil persons get by with corruptions which humans can't handle. Fixing is the end product of that dilemma.

Fixing is the pretense of virtue in evil. If someone opposes the fixing, they supposedly hate life. Any attempt at correcting the problem is met with emotionalism. Using emotionalism to impose fixing is saying, even if someone doesn't want to be fixed, it would disturb an evil person greatly to oppose the process—so much so that the price would be beyond tolerable.

So humans cannot pay the emotional price that supposedly results from any attempt to oppose being fixed by perverts. Try to solve that problem. There needs to be a lot more hippy moralizing to get that problem out into the open where realities can be developed in a more realistic manner. But nothing related to the subject is discussed, in philosophy or anyplace else.

Fixing is like Trump telling California how to manage their forests or fixing international trade with tariffs. There is no discussion of the subject which allows people to align upon solutions that work. Trump does it all himself, which is how fixing replaces rationality.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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