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Beyond The Image


September 18, 2020

Corrupters of corrupters assume that the only problem anyone has is not carrying the sin far enough. To carry the sin far enough is to ignore the image.

Corrupters usually worry about image. They operate in the dark and speak in opposites trying to protect their image while destroying rationality applied to objective reality.

But the more corrupt of corrupters assume that the reason for the failures at making sin pay is that other corrupters just won't carry the corruption far enough. Carrying corruption far enough means ignoring the image and imposing the corruption regardless of what it looks like.

Ignoring the image means giving up on trying to kid anyone. Lies and contradictions are more extreme when they aren't being concealed and tailored for imagery.

Persons who don't have a chance at being convincing resort to methods which do not require acceptability. Such methods require corruption to be imposed rather than concealed.

Imposing corruption requires intimidation along with overwhelming force. It can only occur when people have no choice about it. Anyone who doesn't go along has to be removed from the process. Removing from the process could require various methods depending upon the social state.

The Nazis removed opponents from the process first by hanging political opponents and then by confinement in death camps. They weren't concealing much, but they always needed fakery for justification such as purifying the Arian race and getting rid of the worthless eaters.

Terrorism is carrying the process to any extreme, but it doesn't easily get developed very far. There is no attempt to kid anyone about anything with terrorism. It's strange that terrorism could have gotten as far as it did in the fake Caliphate. There had to be external forces exploiting the terrorism. Such terrorism obviously couldn't stand on its own, but it did show how extreme force allowed acceptable imagery to be abandoned, while terror imagery was exploited for control through fear.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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