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Breakdown Of The Process


October 11, 2020

The Trump Administration is not producing real government; it is breaking down the process. There are no elements of previous governmental concepts that are being willingly used for any purpose.

Absolutizing is not proper representation under normal conditions, but it is proper when the motives produce absolute results. Anyone in the Trump Administration who had normal government purposes was removed or silenced in the process of reducing government to a totalitarian state of worshipping the ruler.

Persons who are incapable of functioning in a rational manner assume that whim is a superior way of doing things. Trump reduced his administration to persons who do things by whim in place of rational procedures.

Trump can contradict himself every few minutes. Contradictions are assumed to be acceptable without rationality or procedures which require a specified result. With nothing objectively specified, nothing stands in the way of producing endless contradictions.

The endless lying of Trump and his sycophants does not have the purpose of being credible; it has the purpose of breaking down the process. The less credible, the more effective at breaking down the process.

The purpose of breaking down the process stems from no ability to use complex procedures in a proper manner, which includes no ability to determine the requirements of or adhere to laws. Such persons should not be in government. They almost weren't. By the time Trump reduced his staff to appropriate worshippers, the persons were uniformly unqualified and had only the most peripheral roles in government if any at all.

More basically, the motive shows up in the method of argument. No attempt to be credible exists. Communication consists of speaking in opposites, accusing, name calling and projecting corruption onto others. Propaganda is often the opposite of objective reality, such as Trump's wonderful economy and his controlling the pandemic. The lying about the most mundane facts is a contempt for truth as a requirement for rationality. The name calling is an attempt to create fights as a breakdown of rationality. All such efforts leave nothing but the arbitrary whims of a totalitarian dictator for government.

Journalists aren't there yet. They are still trying to find normalcy which doesn't exist in Trump or his government. There is no reality element to such degeneracy; the only relevant factor to Trump and his government is the breakdown of what presidents and government are supposed to be doing.

It means relating to Trump and his nongovernment must be placed in the frame of abnormal and destructive standards. Only the corruption of standards are relevant until the standards are consistent with rationality, laws and required procedures.

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