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What Believing In Corruption Means

August 15, 2021

Corrupters assume that corruption solves their problems. So they believe in corruption.

But believing isn't the same thing without a reality basis as it is with objective reality to give it meaning. The difference shows up in the explanations. Trying to convince someone that corruption is the answer to something/everything creates preposterous explanations. —such as QAnon, Trumpism, the big lie or forensic auditing creating confidence in the voting process, while gerrymandering makes sure minorities rule. Conservatives believe in it.

It's cause-and-effect type believing instead of evaluation type believing. When something works for corrupters it meets their only criteria for what is right. They assume that anyone who disagrees must be crazy, when the results speak for themselves.

One of the things corrupters miss is that something that works for them isn't going to work for anything related to rationality. Without rationality to go by, there is no such thing.

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