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Absence As Source

August 24, 2021

The underlying assumption of all corruption is the assumption that the source of everything is the absence of everything. Isn't that preposterous? That's how preposterous corruption is to rational persons.

If it isn't the absence of something it is too imperfect for corrupters. Nothing but absence is perfect enough for them.

There is a reaction that does that to corrupters. Any contact with reality exposes corrupters for the incompetent corrupters that they are. To eliminate that problem requires no contact with reality. To solve their problems by eliminating contact with reality tells them that the absence of reality is the answer to everything.

Everything is imperfect by some criteria. Absence does not have that problem. There is nothing to produce imperfection with absence. With no possible imperfection, corrupters are the answer to everything.

Knowledge which has no source is the essence of gnosticism. Corrupters are gnostic in that sense. Their unquestionable knowledge must have no source to be free from imperfections that can be criticized. Something is true for no other reason than them, as source, saying so. The same thing from any other source is corruption.

Notice the slide in logic. The mechanism of removing the source slides into the mechanism of them being the source that removes all imperfections from results. Related is that anyone else being the source of the same thing is corruption, because no one else uses the absence of everything as the source. Realities don't flow that way, but acquired reactions do.

That reaction is why Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. Explaining says there is a source other than the person. Explaining is linking to a source. The universe is the source of objective realities and life for rational persons but not for corrupters. If it has a source, it is the doom of corrupters, which means corrupted. Only the absence of source can be free from corruption.

It's not the result but the source that determines perfection for corrupters. They supposedly produce perfect results by relying upon the perfect source—the absence of anything. The absence of anything is transposed onto themselves. So they are the perfect source for results, which means perfect results.

That set of conditions can be known from the self-righteous absurdities of corrupters. They assume they could not possibly be wrong and others could not possibly be right based upon the absence of anything.

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