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Structured Vs. Unstructured

An underlying assumption that goes with corruption is that human existence went astray due to structured existence. Corrupters are trying to unstructured existence. The obvious reason is because corrupters cannot handle the complexities of structured existence.

A lot of erroneous assumptions create the context for the motives of corrupters. One of the assumptions of corrupters is that everyone has the same problems corrupters have, but some fools are approaching the problem incorrectly. With the assumption that no one can really make sense of rationality, rationality is for fools. Corrupters miss the fact that we are not all as incapable of producing rationality as they are and that rationality is the basis for all constructivity, not the decadent standards of corrupters.

Another erroneous assumption is that reality can be shaped on the whims of persons who control power and make the decisions. Getting everyone to agree upon some fraud will supposedly turn it into fact and the solution to everyone's problems.

Rationality prevents that process from occurring, which supposedly means rationality is for fools. The most complete development of rationality is structured existence. That means there are plans drawn up, documented on paper, filed in filing cabinets, discussed, criticized, improved and applied. That whole endeavor leaves corrupters out of the picture, so it is assumed to be a fools errand by corrupters.

The corrupters' alternative to structured existence is sometimes identified as anarchy but is generally so broad and undefined that it goes way beyond a fixed social structure as anarchy is described.

There is a process to creating the state that corrupters are after. It starts by disassembling what rational persons created and reconstructing the alternative in a manner acceptable to corrupters. Even if the end result were to be the same, the all important difference is that a different group of persons would be in control of it. Being under their own control, corrupters assume that all of their problems can be eradicated, which isn't possible while rational persons are controlling the process. And to solve their problems, corrupters assume they need to get rid of the endless structures created through organized realities that rational persons created.

Then the desired state is to arbitrate all realities and activity on the basis of whim. Only whim can evade the problems rationality produces, in the assumptions of corrupters. Whim can include endless contradictions; so it puts an end to the problems created by contradictions.

What that path shows is that corruption is a disconnect from reality to such an extent that imaginary solutions are strived for in conflict with obvious realities. Corrupters never have to face up to their absurdities, because they never succeed at replacing rationality with their imagined solutions. So they forever pretend to have the answers to everything while never getting to a point of proving themselves to be wrong.



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