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Spacism Fraud


Scientific knowledge is rapidly disappearing from society, as incompetent power mongers take over everything and shift social concerns away from the abstractions of science which they do not understand.

But that trend does not make science disappear; instead it turns science into a glamor scheme rather than an information source. The glamor scheme focuses on space, where concrete information is non-existent for the public and propaganda is everything.

Spacism has two areas of focus. One is life on other planets, and the other is space travel. The purpose is to induce gullible persons into assuming that humans are going to move onto another planet when Earth becomes uninhabitable. No one in science would make such claims because of a total lack of scientific credibility. But by skirting around the subject, ignorant persons are supposed to pick up the ball and make stupid assumptions in those areas.

It's irrelevant whether life is possible on other planets, because humans are never going to get there. What nonscientists do not understand and scientists never explain is that biology cannot survive the conditions that would be required for space travel, even if the energy sources were available. To get to the nearest planet with earth-like characteristics would require several generations of acceleration at a force of twice gravity. Humans cannot survive in a small space under a force of twice gravity.

Of course, there is no conceivable energy source. All concepts of acceleration in space require a loss of mass to create equal and opposite forces in the absence of surface friction. Enough mass cannot be carried around when continually being expelled to create an opposite force.

Which gets to the concept of nearby space travel. The white rhinos (fat, white, ugly beasts dependent upon government protection) pretend that they are going to Mars as a glamor tactic with no relationship to reality. Musk claimed he was going to send 100 persons to Mars on a spacecraft represented in a century old cartoon. Someone talked him into reducing the number of persons down to four or five.

One reason why going to Mars is never going to happen is because there is not enough energy in liquid fuels (hydrogen and oxygen) to be going anywhere significant in near-space. Take a look at the space shuttle. It required three huge fuel tanks, one large liquid tank and two solid fuel tanks attached to the sides dwarfing the shuttle, just to get into near-Earth orbit.

NASA was forced to play along with the fantasy of going to Mars for social and political reasons. So they plan to do a staging exercise on the moon. They would have to store large amounts of fuel on the moon for staging, because less gravity on the moon requires less acceleration force for going to Mars. The white rhinos skip over the moon and plan to go directly from Earth to Mars, because they are clueless on the physics. NASA is never going to get beyond the moon part, because it's nothing but fakery for gullible persons.

Even exploration of the moon is mostly fakery. Small countries (let along glamor-hound individuals) cannot produce the complex telemetry required by spacecraft outside earth orbit. It takes huge dish antennas scattered around the globe, so something is facing the moon as the Earth rotates. Those devices need high speed linkages across the globe and a control center. Several physics departments are needed to determine where everything is located in space while constantly moving and predict where everything will be at some point in the future while adjustments are made with time delays. Small countries cannot do such things, and that's why their attempts fail in doing anything outside of Earth orbit.

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