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Social Decay


One of the elements of social deterioration is replacement of objective reality with contrivance. Contrived reality has the purpose of reducing the challenges of rationality to irrelevance, so incompetent persons can be more imposing.

The most visible examples of contrived reality are fantasy technologies related to renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving and travel to Mars. They are couched in futurism with no realistic engineering or criticism allowed. Self-driving should be tested in a laboratory, so there are no questions when put on the road. Instead, human guiney pigs do the testing on the road. That standard is not proper engineering.

By shifting the requirements of life away from the rationality which they cannot produce in a competent manner, corrupters can pretend to have the answers to everything without explaining how. False claims are made without truth getting in the way.

False claims without truth allow incompetent corrupters to impose what is unacceptable by misrepresenting what they are doing. They pretend to be solving everyone's problems while reducing the social order to a level which they can dominate.

False realities are amplified for that purpose. The more untrue a subject is, the freer corrupters are to impose themselves upon society. So they maximize the falseness of realities to maximize their influence.

Fake science and fantasy technology are continuously increasing in absurdity as corrupters increase their influence in society. Credibility is minimized to maximize the influence of corruption, because corruption is not an alternative solution to problems; it is creating problems as a source of power by incompetents who want to arbitrate existence without rationality getting in the way.

Reducing reality to nonsense is a control process. Minor errors do not create a control process, but major errors do. Minor errors need correcting, which requires rationality. Major errors cannot be corrected, which removes rationality from a subject.

Dictators arbitrate. They do not want to be accountable. Objective reality creates accountability by defining the causes of problems and the solutions. Dictators want to pretend to be solving problems while solving none.

Corrupters are lawless. They cannot tolerate impositions upon themselves, while laws are designed to be imposing. If there were no such thing as corruption, government and laws would not exist. Instead, people would use reason to solve problems. But laws are needed primarily to prevent corruption from overwhelming everything. So corrupters find laws to be directed against themselves, and being brainless, they assume there is something unfair in laws being directed toward them and not toward rational persons.

So corrupters try to replace effective laws with annoying laws directed against enemies with no social value. You play games with corrupters while they try to run you in circles. And of course, corrupters are on the side of the law in doing so.



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