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Respectability Problem

Corrupters are not respectable. It seems strange that corrupters are constantly demanding respect while they lack respect for others.

Inherent in that attitude is the assumption that there is virtue to their own corruption. There should be no adverse result to something that is virtue. Yet, there is a negative result to assumed virtues which are objectively destructive.

The underlying factor is that corrupters believe in their corruptions. Once they convince themselves that their corruptions are virtues, they can no longer understand why others see those corruptions as corruptions.

The particular corruption that inverts respect is the assumption that some persons should be attacked for who they are. That's not a respectable assumption. That attitude includes a hate for foreigners and races. Corrupters cannot understand why everyone wouldn't hate foreigners and races. So they don't know why they lose respect in their attack upon foreigners and races.

A second element of the respect problem is the assumption of corrupters that people should separate one act from another. In other words, an act against one person should not be a concern to another person. Why be "your brother's keeper"? What business is it of yours how someone else is dealt with?

Separating destructive acts as if they had no connections is an absurdity that is quite visible in corrupters. The destructiveness of destructivity has to be erased to remove the connections. Otherwise, it is normally assumed that destructivity anywhere is a threat everywhere.

So the underlying problem is the assumption that attacking some types of persons is a virtue and necessity. Corrupters assume they are solving some problem by getting rid of or suppressing some types of persons, and they can't believe that anyone would view the result negatively.

One of the things corrupters miss is that no one has two standards. A corrupter's wrath for some persons will eventually be their wrath for everyone. Their pretense at differential treatment is a temporary ploy. Eventually, they get to everyone else in attacking enemies.

Another thing corrupters miss is the absence of perfection in themselves as a reference for the end-state they are trying to achieve. They assume there is perfection and imperfection. They might say, acceptable vs. unacceptable. But in their rationalizations, they miss no assumed imperfection, which implies perfection in their purposes.

The attitude problem is a manifestation of ultra-simplification. Missing an awful lot of reality, corrupters assume everything is in two states: acceptable and unacceptable. If they were aware of any of the complexities, they would know that there is a lot of complexity between the extremes. They don't know that those complexities exist.



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