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The Relevance Of Logic

Logic is needed to create coherence. A representation of reality must have proper connections between the parts. Logic is making proper connections.

The importance of coherence as properly represented relationships between realities is inherent in human communication. Why produce communication? Why insist on a particular result? No one evaluates those questions. So corrupters produce invalid results. There is self-contradiction in insisting that what is being said is relevant while reducing the result to contradictory nonsense.

There is an inherent purpose to the use of words. Words are an attempt to transfer realities. If the words do not properly represent something, what purpose could they have? None is ever assumed. Corrupters must pretend to have the purpose of representing reality even while they corrupt the process.

It takes logic to properly represent abstract relationships. Logic is incorrect when improper relationships are made. Proper means a representation of something being conveyed. When there is complexity, as there always is in the use of words, the integrity is only maintained with proper logic.

Proper logic means relationships between parts or reproduced, so the source and end results are the same. The relationships between realities are abstract. That means nonperceivable. So logic goes beyond perception in determining complex relationships between realities.

Since logic applies to abstract relationships, it is easy to corrupt. But why corrupt the results? Incompetents cannot produce abstract reality, and therefore they cannot produce correct logic. Since they fail at the attempt, they try to subvert the process of rational persons, which is corruption.

Instead of producing correct logic, incompetent corrupters replicate something that is sort of similar. The replicating process becomes a substitute for rationality for simple concerns, but it does not stand up to the demands of complexities.

When complexities have to be correct, logic is needed to determine the correctness. Logic shows relationships between complex realities to determine whether they are compatible or contradictory. When comparisons are made, the difference between compatibility and contradiction becomes visible.

So logic is a testing process which creates visibility for complex realities which contain abstractions. It's virtually impossible to get the relationships wrong when adequate logic is used to show the relationships. Logic increases truth by removing errors from abstract complexities.



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