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Reality Control


The social order is being overwhelmed by corrupters obsessed with reality control. It's because all life depends upon objective reality that corrupters are opposed to objective reality.

In other words, corrupters must destroy what exists to replace it with their version of reality. There version of reality can be anything, just so it is not the objective reality that defines life. It's their reality when they create it and control it.

It's not a definable, coherent or rational reality that corrupters create. There can only be one set of consistent realities, which must be a part of the laws of the universe. But inconsistency is the fabric of corrupters' reality. Such reality serves no purpose but reinforcing power for corrupters, so it needs no consistency.

Why the obsession with reality control? The reality of corrupters is an escape from reality, not a source of reality. Corrupters must escape the objective reality which defines existence. Corrupters are defeated losers, if they are under any influence but their own whims. So they are obsessed with eradicating any influence over themselves but themselves.

The result is that any interaction with corrupters must consist of an eradication of objective reality. Any perversion of reality will do as a starting point for their influence. It's the eradication of something, not an alternative something, that obsesses them.

Fake science and technology exist for no other reason. Those aren't consistent realities. They are something different every time someone mentions them. They are replacement realities. They have the purpose of replacing energy systems and transportation with nonsense which bankrupts the outsiders and lavishes wealth on the insiders.

Corrupters are infantile. They are defeated by the complexities of rational existence, so they are trying to construct a kiddie play-world of pretended reality which places no demands upon their incompetence.



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