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Pretending Reality As A Power Mongering Tool

Pretending is a method of disconnecting from the objective reality that exposes incompetence and corruption. What pretenders contrive is irrelevant; it never goes anywhere. The real significance of pretending is that objective reality has to be obliterated.

An example is pretending that Trump's lawlessness is just a life style. It certainly is a life style, but pretending that lawlessness is ok in contradiction to two hundred years of U.S. laws is an attempt to obliterate the essence of government.

Incompetents monger power for influence, control and domination. Fake reality is needed to do that. It removes the demands that incompetents can't meet.

Fake reality is ultra simplistic and fluid. Contradictions become signs of superiority, as supposedly the fakes have solutions figured out where no one else does. If you can't understand how one and one equals three, the fakes can because of their superior intelligence.

Examples include going to Mars, when there is not enough energy in hydrogen and oxygen to do anything significant in space. It used to take three huge tanks of energy—one liquid fuel with two solid fuel tanks on the sides—just to put the space shuttle into low Earth orbit. You would need a fuel tank about the size of New York City to put people on Mars. But fakes never have to worry about such things, because fakery is too far removed from reality to ever be tested.

More destructive than the wasted resources is that the fakery puts incompetent corrupters in control of our lives, while everything else they do in also destructive. Pretending has that purpose. The pretence is that incompetent corrupters are superior to rational persons and therefore must be running other peoples' lives into the ground.

The fakes cannot allow objective reality to expose their incompetence and corruptness. So along with the contriving, they have to obstruct and attack rationality. Any complex subject creates demands for rationality, so important concerns have to be reduced to nonsensical quips. Subject matter is stripped of relevance or practicality. Attempts to increase reality are opposed with ad hominem attacks.

It's like making cardboard automobiles and selling them as transportation. It's reducing social concerns to playing house, where you pretend to be the dummy, and we pretend to be the geniuses. Anyone who tries to correct the fraud gets shoved out of the process.



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