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The Problem-Solving Process

Human existence creates a need to solve problems. The process of solving problems requires alignment upon objective reality starting with the laws of physics and extending into social realities. Rationality is the result.

Incompetent power mongers lose where there is rationality. So they lose where problems are being solved, and they try to remove the problem-solving process from human existence.

You might think no one could actually expect to remove the problem-solving process from human existence. Normal persons are that way. They assume solving problems is a element of life. But incompetent power mongers are not normal. They are degenerates due to stupidity and an attempt to prevail anyway by mongering power.

Incompetent power mongers actually assume that problems are solved without the problem solving process. How does that work? It works through mysterious charlatanism which produces magical solutions out of darkness devoid of rationality.

There is a type of ignorance that gets developed and passed along from incompetent corrupters to incompetent corrupters evolving constantly toward more complex forms of exploitation. The purveyors do not know where anything begins, they just pick up what someone else is assuming. Being surrounded by like-minded persons and finding exploitation everywhere, they assume the solutions to problems just emerge somehow.

But rationality throws a wrench into the nonprocess of imagining nonsense into existence by placing demands upon incompetence. Failing to meet the demands exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are. So rationality must be obliterated wherever it is found, and preventing the problem-solving process from occurring is an essential element of obliterating rationality.

To prevent the problem-solving process from exposing corruption, any attempt to go down the path of solving problems must be exterminated. That means eliminating real information, promoting lying as an ethic, dismantling and corrupting social structures and instigating fake realities into existence including fraudulent science such as relativity and fantasy technology such as renewable energy and electric vehicles.

Getting control over reality trying to align it upon corruption when it doesn't align upon corruption is an obsession of corrupters, because they can never succeed and failure results in truth building against them. They are forever trying to pound absurdities into peoples heads with no credibility. It's an insult to human existence to have to pretend that the infantile reality of corrupters is what people are supposed to live by.



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