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Pretense As The Solution To Problems

July 30, 2020

Incompetents who dominate and prevail as their path to success replace the demands of constructivity with pretense. Pretense is used as a mechanism for the solution to problems. Pretense allows corrupters to prevail, while they would get left out or exposed where there is constructivity based on rationality.

The pretense of solution to problems consists of whim aligned upon motives. The pretended solutions are magical with no competence being required. Objective reality is stripped away, so it is impossible to evaluate or criticize the result. Just trust us, takes care of everything.

With pretense, all related problems disappear. Disappearance of problems is not viewed as a cover-up by corrupters; it is viewed as ingeniousness.

Pretense allows motives to be promoted without realities getting in the way. Motives are the only relevance to corrupters who assume their motives are the answer to everything. So nothing should get in the way of promoting the motives of corrupters, as the complexities of rational solutions to problems (swamp) would do.

Without rationality, the subjective promotion of motives creates endless and unsolvable conflicts. But opponents are assumed to be the problem, because they refuse to accept the sacred motives of incompetent corrupters.

Fake science and technology are pretenses which put incompetent corrupters in control of our lives. Electric vehicles have made no progress in five years or more, while the claim is that they are going to replace gas power autos in the near future. Three years ago, the breakthrough was going to be in 2020, while no one but the most wanton have any use for electric vehicles in 2020.

When the fakery doesn't produce results, the claims are repeatedly pushed into the future. No criticism can be tolerated for something that is going to be the answer to everything in the future. If the future of the schemes runs out, the subject just disappears in re-written history and is replaced with newly contrived frauds.

Pretense as the solution is why the Corona virus is viewed by incompetents (covidiots) as no different than the flu. Covidiots assume the disease will blow over with no competent response being required.

Three words coming out of China in January lit up the virologists: "A new pneumonia." A new disease attacking the lungs couldn't be worse news. A new pneumonia is nothing resembling the flu, which normally does not attack vital organs. The results keep getting worse, as more vital organs are attacked, the immune response is weak and short-lived and repeat symptoms show up. In contempt for the science of the disease, incompetent corrupters forever insist that the disease will blow over like the flu.

Conservatives burn tax dollars on corporations, because the methodology shifts away from constructivity which is expensive. Without spending money on problems, the rationality of constructivity disappears leaving nothing but whim and motives to determine results.



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