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How Power Destroyed The World

Power is the problem, not the answer. There is a social gradient from powerlessness to power. It's the same gradient from rationality to fakery. Power requires fakery. The more power anyone acquires, the more of a fraud they become.

Power is the most basic corruption being a force in conflict with reality. Power is needed to defy rationality. Corrupters strive for power, while rational persons avoid power, for that reason.

When incompetent corrupters want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces, they need power to do so. Power gives them the ability to dominate. They assume that if they could prevail against enemies, it would solve their problems.

When viewing modern science, power is all that is visible. Science is portrayed as glamor and magic. Real science doesn't look like that. It looks a lot less subjective. Instead, all we see is power mongers glamorizing fraud pretending that they are the source of magical solutions to everything.

Know-nothings used to try to argue global warming and renewable energy. They fell flat on their faces. So now all they do is promote half-sentence quips, such as solar and wind being on par with coal. Every weather event is said to be caused by carbon dioxide in the air—hot or cold, wet or dry. Carbon dioxide supposedly does opposite things. The magic of fraud.

At the political level, a totalitarian dictatorship is replacing government. The magic of fraud can only be dictated without accountability, because a government of laws with openness and accountability defeats the fraud of power mongers.

To turn power into truth, rationality has to be invisible. Any evidence of rationality exposes fraud for what it is. To make rationality disappear, fake truth and knowledge must come of a dark pit through magic.

When power mongers run into problems, they revert to more darkness trying to reduce the problem of rationality exposing their incompetence. "Just trust us" replaces explanations.

The Atmosphere As A Greenhouse



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