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July 15, 2020

Trump is a demagogue, tyrant, autocrat. He gutted the administrative branch of government and has no respect for the other two branches. He destroys anyone who is vulnerable with no concerns for the hardship he creates. He gets a following of incompetents who latch onto his power, where they get left behind by a rational society.

Incompetent corrupters are nonfunctional. They lie about it pretending that everything that has ever been accomplished was produced by themselves. The Corona virus exposes the fraud. It shows the corrupters have never had the slightest ability to function constructively.

Producing results requires a method of getting there. Corrupters are totally incapable of producing a method for achieving results. They pretend results come out of nowhere when it is them doing the deciding. There is no such thing.

After corrupters do some destroying, such as having corporations burn tax dollars, they point to the remains and say, see what a wonderful result we produced. Trump claims he produced the best economy there ever was, while he gutted the economy reducing markets for American products through a trade war and making American products less competitive by increasing their cost through tariffs on steel, aluminum and subcomponents.

As long as something remains from the previous efforts of others, frauds claim they produced the results. But with the Corona virus, there are no remains to point to, which is exposing their fraud.

The process is quite definitive. Corrupters oppose and attack constructive methods. It takes standards, procedures and knowledge to produce constructive results. Corrupters don't want anyone to assume so. They want everyone to assume real results come out of nowhere. So they ridicule opponents for producing standards, procedures and knowledge. Their attacks upon the requirements for constructivity show they don't produce the requirements for constructivity.

Their standard is called exploitation. As long as there are results that someone else produced, the frauds will claim it was their results. But they can never show how they produce results. All they show evidence for is destructivity, as if destructive means would produce constructive ends. They need to be accountable for their destructivity and opposition to constructive means of producing results.

The attack upon constructivity by the Trump Administration includes gutting the bureaucracies claiming anyone with experience and knowledge is "swamp." Anyone creating accountability is fired for being disloyal. There is no such thing as review or planning. Some offices were moved out of Washington to make them less functional. Endless environmental standards were thrown out with no concern for destruction of the environment.



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