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Moral Philosophy Of Atilla The Hun


May 9, 2023

Hippies assume you have to use logic to produce truth. All you have to do is destroy enemies to produce truth.

There is no sin but the truth about sin. Obliterate truth and there are no problems.

If you have to explain, you are already a loser. That's why winners promote values only. There is no explanation for values. Realities are just for fools.

There is no such thing as lying. Calling something a lie is woke. Lie for the sake of lying to defeat woke.

You have to get behind corruption, because corrupters are on our side.

Just trust us. Darkness is the answer to everything. Darkness is like wearing clothes. It protects valuable realities from the riffraff.

Laws are for losers, not for winners. You're not supposed to turn losers into winners by letting them get by with their criminality. Run them in circles to make sure they never accomplish anything.

You can do anything you want to losers, because people disconnect from losers.

Numbers count. With all those shootings, we should qualify as a militia, which gives us a right to be well armed.

You have to gas the worthless eaters to keep the losers in their place. Otherwise they don't know their place and keep trying to climb the social ladder.

Survival of the fittest requires predators and prey. Otherwise, the fittest are not surviving.

People are what they associate with; so it's necessary to get rid of the losers; so we don't all become losers.

What Corruption Is

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