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Molecules That Think

It's strange that propaganda would exist. What propagandists try to do is plug in false reality through a few words designed for impressions. No one is supposed to be so out of contact with reality that they would be influenced by such garbage. But propagandists find that they get the result that they want.

A major clue on the oddity of fake reality is in the supposed science of molecules thinking. Universities have a highly developed subject on molecules thinking. The subject blends in with philosophy and mixes science into the brew to contrive a concept of how minds work. Supposedly, nerve cells linked together in just the right way cause molecules to think, and therefore, the same thing can be done with computers which are programmed in a thorough manner.

There is apparently a target group for unrealistic contrivances. Persons who are out of contact with reality believe and promote the fake reality that propagandists produce. Their starting point for reality is the assumption that molecules think.

The reason for that strange assumption is that some persons have a small amount of perception through the spirit world, and they assume that where their perception leaves off is the edge of existence. They do not perceive into the higher spiritual states that conspirators operate in. So they assume there are no spiritual beings doing the conspiring, there are just molecules thinking.

Without conspirators producing the conspiracies, there is no such thing as evil; there are just some molecules that are not arranged as well as others. There is no such thing as molecules being evil.

The conspirators know that the science and technology of electric vehicles and renewable energy are a laughable joke. And they don't care what their critics think about the subject. They target the gullible fools who assume molecules think, because that target group is extremely exploitable in promoting the wares of evil. Not knowing that evil exists, such persons are effective neutralizers of real criticism.

Gullible persons claim that significant social criticism is "conspiracy theorizing" based on the assumption that there is no such thing as evil and molecules arranged differently are not conspiring peoples' problems.

Now days, social critics are said to be cynical. Cynicism is the only sin that has been known in Washington in recent decades. During the heyday of real science, the 1950s and 60s, cynicism was realism. Now days it is a corruption. Cynicism says there is a lot of prevailing corruption everywhere. Gullible persons don't see it. So they assume the problem is in the social criticism.

That's why there is so much incredible propaganda everywhere. Target persons are supposed to align on it and neutralize criticism on social problems.



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