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Irrationality Is Created By Corruption


Rationality is a method of handling reality which connects to objective reality. Objective reality is all reality outside of a person's own mind, which primarily means the universe and its laws. Rationality aligns upon the universe by showing how realities fit into the universe and its laws in a nonconflicting way.

Corruption is a conflict with objective reality. It requires irrationality to avoid truth which exposes the corruption and ignorance that goes with it. Therefore, irrationality is a measure of corruptness. In fact, irrationality tends to be the most immediate and visible manifestation of corruption. Corrupters go to great effort to masquerade their corruption as virtue, but they can never turn off the irrationality that shows up with every utterance.

So an appalling feature of corrupters is that they try to portray irrationality as a normal, if not superior, social standard. It's an insult to human existence to have irrationality imposed as a superior human standard.

The most common element of irrationality is to not properly represent something. The first noun of the first sentence will be an improper representation, when irrational corrupters are promoting their wares.

The most classical example of all (recent) times is the attempt to frame liberals as communists. Now days, the term communist is replaced with socialist for the same purpose. The meaning of those terms is not easily determined and never agreed upon. But it doesn't matter, because they are stand-in terms for something else.

Anyone who produces rationality is called a liberal, and anyone who calls themselves a liberal is called a socialist, in the conservative evaluation, because it is the degree of rationality that conservatives cannot tolerate.

But irrationality is not just a coping mechanism that goes with corruption; it is an attack upon an opposing force. The attack upon rationality includes deliberate irrationality. Corrupters are trying to change the social standards to normalize irrationality trying to redefine human values around their characteristics.

Supposedly, there is a hidden wisdom to irrationality which rational persons are not aware of. Corrupters actually assume that irrationality will produce magical solutions, while rationality gets bogged down in irrelevancies. Supposedly, humans need to get out of the swamp that rationality creates to solve their problems.

Rationality is viewed as a swamp by corrupters due to the infinite detail and complexity that rationality connects to, as shown by science. Corrupters have no judgement in abstract areas, so they assume no one actually gains anything from the rationality that connects to abstract subjects.

What then do corrupters have left without rationality and the abstract reality that goes with it? All they have is whim. They want to arbitrate everything on the basis of their whims without rationality getting in the way.



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