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How Did We Get Here?

The biggest social question of the age is "how did this happen?" Michael Moore starts his latest movie with that question. Commentators have been saying that this didn't happen over night; something wrong has to go back quite a ways.

My web site explains how it happened in science. Science is a prelude to the shape of society in general. Science is where rationality is defined.

A glaring example of the problem is when promoters of global warming caused by humans say they can look out the window and see global warming, and they accuse critics of being flat-earthers and anti-science. This mentality is the same problem. It needs to be understood.

The first thing to notice is that it is the persons who have never studied an iota of science who promote global warming alarmism. They in fact brought bad science to the surface and suppressed real science through journalism, organizations and politics.

It's the same mentality that says foreigners and groups are the cause of social problems. Persons who are out of contact with reality assume someone is causing their problems. If they understood objective reality they would know that it is not possible to locate problems with persons; it is the realities which get corrupted that cause social problems.

To not know the difference between the persons and the realities is how we got here. It is the focus upon persons instead of realities that creates authoritarianism, which leads to totalitarianism, which leads to Nazism.

The problems cannot be solved by getting rid of persons; they can only be solved by correcting realities. Corrupt realities cannot be pinned onto persons. Errors flow through society. Realities have to be handled as realities, not as persons to abuse.

The global warming problem shows with scientific objectivity what the nature of the problem is. Why would persons who know nothing of science be telling the rest of us something about science? They say 97% of the scientists agree with them. That's between us and the scientists. We don't need nonscientists to interpret science for us, when they can't explain anything on the subject or respond to criticism.

The nonscientist alarmists are certain that when they see heat, humans have to be the cause. They fell for the ploy of humans being the cause of weather and climate problems, as if weather effects were similar to smog.

Drastic weather and heat have infinite causes, and humans are never the cause. Ice melted on the Alps 5,300 years ago, covered the "iceman" and then melted again in 1991. The ice was melting 5,300 years ago. The warming between ice ages only lasts 15,000 years. During that short time, ocean temperatures increase 6°C and sea level rises 400 feet.

Right now, oceans are heating more than expected. Scientists do not understand why. One theory is volcanoes on the ocean floor. But there could be increased solar energy, which is hard to measure. The best explanation for the "medieval warm period" and "little ice age" is variations in solar intensity. Solar energy gets trapped in the oceans and does not easily escape, while atmospheric heat escapes more easily. So warming oceans point to increased solar energy.

In fact, a recent cold spell is being attributed to reduced solar activity as indicated by an absence of sun spots, which might result in another small ice age. It would take several years for variations in solar energy to show up as a change in ocean temperatures.

To attribute warming oceans to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is scientific ignorance. The quantity of heat that supposedly accumulated in the atmosphere could only increase the surface temperature of the oceans by 0.025°C. The amount of heat needed to increase ocean temperatures can never originate in the atmosphere, because air does not have enough heat capacity.

Yet, even some scientists assume that the so-called greenhouse effect is heating the oceans. This is because journalists and organizations build up corrupt science and suppress real science, which allows incompetents in science to rise to the surface and replace real scientists.

Where it begins is in ignorance overwhelming the social order. The only answer is proper criticism to correct the errors. Journalists have long ago recognized that they have that responsibility. Yet the opposite is occurring now days, as journalists are promoting prejudice and ignorance and suppressing needed criticism.

Railroaded reality is a major element of the process which created increasing authoritarianism in society. The reaction of corruption is to shrink away from responsibilities and produce less truth and criticism, where more is needed. Corruption grows, while the needed criticism of it shrinks. See no evil, speak no evil, do no evil is how evil grows.

Absence of information is the primary problem with the media, not how it is said. We're grown-ups, not kiddies who have to be controlled. We can take the information in any form someone wants to produce it, as long as it exists. Everyone is creating recommendations on how words are supposed to be presented. I don't agree with their opinions. I can decide for myself, but only if the information exists. "Democracy Dies in Darkness"

An example of what this means is that Germany and England almost bankrupted themselves trying to produce renewable energy and only got about 15% before turning to coal and nuclear to meet their energy needs. Not a word is being said in the U.S., while propagandists keep harping on 100% renewables through various media and organizations.


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