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Green Fakery Is Energy Doom


There is no magic in science and technology, which means energy and pollution problems don't disappear with the imaginations of propagandists.

Ninety percent of electrical energy is lost to heat before getting to consumers. That means 10 times as much pollution and waste as usual. (Why Renewable Energy Won't Work)

Energy Flow Chart

Electricity does not come out of a wall. It has to originate with other sources of energy. Right now, the sources are mostly fossil fuels.

Why produce electric vehicles now, when most of the energy originates with fossil fuels and 90% is lost to heat? That problem won't end any time soon.

Renewables are so unrealistic that they are already at a standstill. The low hanging fruit is already gone, and it was worthless. Renewables are not free energy. They are extremely dilute, which means large amounts of expensive metals and concrete must pollute the planet attempting to fantasize renewable energy into existence.

Germany and England could not get past 15% renewables due to unreliability, and they had to resort to coal and nuclear. Australia (or some parts of it) is producing 21% renewables, and they have unsolvable problems due to unreliability.

On top of that, transmission lines would have to be increased by a factor of 10,000 to infinity, because the source is not near cities, if renewables were to replace other sources of energy. Transmission lines cost more than all other expenses with electricity, and they are so intolerable that there is a shortage of transmission lines at this time.

Real problems are not being solved while destructive technology is distracting from the solutions.

The answer to energy problems would be nuclear reactors which use horizontal rods instead of the vertical "pile" that makes reactors dangerous and expensive. Horizontal rods could be separated allowing small, safe and cheap reactors to be created.

Electricity Is The Problem

Electric Vehicle Fraud

Renewable Energy Won't Work

Transformer Efficiency

Wire Loss Tutorial

15% Wall For Renewables

Self-driving is absurd and has no real purpose

Why Fantasy Technology TOP     



Electricity Is The Problem

Electric Vehicles

Renewable Energy


Wall at 15%


Fake Technology

The Clutter


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