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The Green Martian Repair Manual

(used for economics 101)

October 31, 2022

It's 2095, and the Green Martians have taken over planet Earth. They are trying to figure out how to repair automobiles; so they wrote up a manual for the purpose. Here's what their repair manual says:

The primary fix for autos is to prevent over-heating. Preventing over-heating will fix everything else. It's important to get rapid deterioration under control by preventing overheating.

If the auto can be driven into a shop, pour contact cement into the gas line to reduce the flow of gasoline into the motor. This will reduce the engine speed, which lowers demand upon the engine. It could result in total engine failure, but nothing is perfect.

The concern is to prevent overheating of the motor. A slower operating speed will reduce the heating. That allows the circulation rate for coolant to catch up with the heating.

Slower operating speed will reduce demand upon valves and pistons preventing them from wearing out as fast. If the rings are wore out and valves need grinding, the reduced engine speed will take care of those problems. The only reason the pistons and valves have problems is because someone should have been pouring contact cement into the gas lines earlier.

Of course, the auto must still get people around, even though the engine speed is reduced. This can be accomplished by lowering the weight of the vehicle. The back seat can be taken out and the trunk emptied. The spare tire can be left in the garage.

The number of trips can be reduced by using the auto for going to work only. The kids can take a bus to school; and groceries can be delivered.

If that doesn't fix the problem, add some more contact cement to the gas until the engine runs better. The contact cement must be added at a faster rate than the engine deteriorates to stay ahead of the curve.

Of course, the contact cement will not directly fix the transmission or brakes. But those devices will indirectly benefit from the slower and improved engine speed. Windshields will also benefit, as fewer bugs will stick at lower speeds.

How economists fight inflation

Economists assume that corporations cannot produce enough products without government assistance or disruption of consumer demand. So they dumped three trillion government dollars onto corporations during the Trump years; and now they are trying to reduce consumption through interest rate hikes.

That's because a background assumption of corrupters is that there are too many persons; so society cannot meet their demands. Getting rid of some of the consumers seems to be an economic improvement.

Corruption prevails in economics, because there is no real subject matter to economics.

Article, Inflation

Draining The Economy Dry

What An Economy Is

What Corruption Is

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