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How False Assumptions Work In Science

January 16, 2021

After scientists make measurements, they often draw conclusions from the results. The conclusions are assumed to be measured facts; but conclusions are not measurements and they are often wrong.

Part of the problem is that scientists are looking through a straw. They get so wrapped up in minute details that they spend no time studying surrounding realities.

In general, scientists study such small pieces of any problem that the pieces are not put together adequately. It's like buying a puzzle and dumping all of the pieces out. The pieces aren't put together until some determination makes them fit properly.

Some examples are needed to show the problem. Phytates are phosphate groups attached to inositol. There are a lot of consequences, such as the attraction of phosphate to metals or cations. So scientists draw the conclusion that the purpose has something to do with the attraction to cations. That's not what phytates are for. Phytates exist to create hygroscopic surfaces, while the attachment to cations is an undesirable side effect, not a constructive purpose.

These conclusions must be opinions. To get opinions aligned properly requires a study of key elements, which in turn requires a study of a lot of broad subjects. Scientists are too narrowly focussed to get it right in many cases.

The reason I claim the function of phytates is to create hygroscopic surfaces is because my work orients around that subject; so I have been looking at many elements of the subject for fifty years. Most filamentous fungi have hygroscopic surfaces which shape their physiology. They can't pump hydrogen ions out of the cells because of their surface chemistry. Mycologists don't know what that surface chemistry is, since they don't study physiology significantly. Therefore, every element of hygroscopic surface chemistry is an open question to be evaluated.

An agriculture background is important, because seeds of grains require phytates on their surface, and they don't germinate well without the phytates. Seeds are highly hygroscopic, which they need to be to germinate in humid soil. Seeds germinate better under humid conditions than wet conditions, because water seals out oxygen.

If phytates are not the cause of hygroscopic surfaces, what is? No substitute exists for creating hygroscopic surfaces.

This concern is central to the study of agriculture and mushrooms. Most scientists have never studied an iota of agriculture or mushroom physiology. So they guess wrong in assuming the function of phytates.

Another example is the function of urea in urine. Medical doctors claim urea exists in urine as a method of expelling nitrogen. They are wrong. It's not a good method of getting rid of nitrogen. Ammonia is exhaled as a much more effective and efficient method of getting rid of nitrogen.

To understand why urea exists in urine, microbial physiology explains why. Urea is a good way to kill bacteria. All indications are that urea is in urine to kill bacteria in the urinary tract.

Urea is the equivalent of ammonia and carbon dioxide combined. It is readily absorbed by bacteria, since ammonium ions are the gold of the soil, and urea is similar. But very small amounts of ammonia are found in the soil, so there is not a cut-off mechanism to prevent over exposure.

When urea is absorbed by microbes, it breaks apart to form ammonium ions and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is readily expelled along with the large amounts produced through carbohydrate breakdown. That leaves ammonium ions creating alkalinity inside the cells. Only small amounts are required to kill bacteria.

The fact that urea serves that purpose in urine is in the total dynamic of the process. Creating urea is difficult, as ATP is required. Why use up energy to get rid of nitrogen when other methods exist? Urination also tells part of the story. A time factor is required for bacteria to absorb urea; so the time is extended through various means which extends the time for elderly persons through compartmentalization of storage in the urinary bladder, since the immune system gets weaker with age.

Medical doctors are not scientists, but some get into science some distance. The problem is that even in the science the physiology is not studied in a broad enough way to realize how urea effects microbial physiology. It takes microbial nutrition studies to realize how urea effects microbes. Microbial nutrition is a long ways removed from the studies surrounding medical research.

But those were yesteryears. Science corruption has been increasing for additional reasons. The overwhelm of science by corrupters is not an iota different from the totalitarian fascism that has overwhelmed politics. It's a broad-based social problem.

Because of the overwhelm of science by corrupters, every point of science is being systematically reversed, just as the concept of government creating laws is being overwhelmed by corrupters.

I mention endless examples. An easy-to-grasp example is the claim that the asteroid belt, which has been known to be caused by a planet exploding between Mars and Jupiter, is now said to be caused not by a planet exploding but by the gravity of Jupiter. That claim is as infantile as saying automobiles are not created in factories but in garages where they are parked. It's not unlike the claim that Trump won the election by a landslide.

Notice that fascists replacing democratic government with totalitarianism is totally dependent upon lies. Power mongers taking over science is totally dependent upon lies for the same reasons. Corrupters control through lies, because truth is the only force that corrupters cannot subdue.

Social Deterioration

Deteriorations in Science: Vox News Article, July 14, 2016



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