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Corruption Of Logic

Social standards are deteriorating as rationality diminishes. Standards are never criticized in the media for some strange reason.

Fake logic is often used as an image, while the logic is total nonsense. The pretense is that there is a wisdom with the nonsense, and if we don't see it, it's just because we are inferior.

The management of reality has been deteriorating, in part because the internet created a lot of know-nothing experts on causes such as global warming and renewable energy. Supposedly, renewable energy is on par with coal, while electricity price sky-rockets with renewables.

Rational persons explain the logic of evidence. Without correct rationality, the whole social order sinks into a swamp of decadence.

These issues are supposedly liberal issues, as if liberals were the problem, as some conservatives keep saying. But fake science and technology are nowhere near the nonsense of conservatives.

Conservatives have a supposed logic where liberals create the homelessness problem. Conservatives never explain the logic of how liberals create homelessness, while conservatives destroy the social programs needed to prevent homelessness.

Another bit of conservative fakery is pretending that socialism is anti-capitalism. Not the least problem is that there are almost unlimited forms of socialism and capitalism; so the desired logic is supposedly in there someplace but never explained. Sometimes the problem of totalitarian communism will be described claiming that it is the problem with socialism in the U.S.

Isolated examples are used in this manner to paint a group. You can find examples of any imaginable corruption, and they say nothing. Examples are used like slogans—disconnected and unreal claims without explanations.

Fake logic is not entirely a scheme; it's more of a subconscious outlet for erroneous and corrupt assumptions. When capitalism is being mentioned, there is an undercurrent of assumptions about capitalism based on exploitation, bigotry and domination. Those types of persons are assuming that capitalism is a process of ripping off the public, not an objective mechanism.

Capitalism is being promoted (and apparently being taught in economic schools) as a method of exploitation with the assumption that there needs to be sin with the mechanism. That assumption stems from an outlook on life based upon "us vs. them." It's sometimes called "zero sum." It means someone has to lose for someone else to gain.

That assumption is an ethic, not an economic mechanism. The real development that occurred after WW-II was made by persons who came out of the poverty (or meager conditions) of the "dirty thirties" and WW-II with the purpose of improving the social order. They did it for the good of society. No real progress ever results from the exploitation ethic. Everyone loses when rip off is the purpose.

But the economic schools are apparently teaching otherwise—that if it isn't exploitation, it isn't capitalism. They don't realize that exploitation is inseparable from degradation. Maybe they do, as they encourage degradation with the exploitation. Then their error is the assumption that degradation of society is necessary and good, as if the goal were a race to human annihilation.

Just as in science, there is an inability to get mathematics correct in corrupt economics. Extraction and subtraction supposedly result in net gain. Taking and destroying supposedly results in economic improvement.

Results continuously show that the success correlates with the good being done. During the 1980s and 90s, the Japanese were showing that industrial and economic success was based upon producing the products that society wants including maximum quality. American auto makers were dragging down the auto industry with irreparable junk, until the Japanese forced them to get real. Japan is no longer setting the trends for technology, but the lesson was there when the technology was simpler.

There is an underlying ethic that tells corrupt persons that it takes sin to be realistic and productive. The results show otherwise.



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