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External Reality

External reality is the basis of life. Somehow, corrupters acquired the assumption that external reality is the ruination of man. It appears that counter-reality produced that assumption. A large part of corruption is an opposition that creates a counter-reality and counter-force, while repetition over time engrains the counter-reality as fact and virtue in the minds of corrupters.

The existence of external reality makes life possible by separating personal realities from social realities. Personal realities alone cannot create a proper interaction between people. There is too much detail and unique experience in personal and private realities for the demands of social interactions. Those realities do not have to be developed at a social level when external reality defines social relationships.

Of course, external reality means objective reality, but I'm avoiding that terminology because of its abstractness and the developed reaction against the ethic of objective reality. Corrupters always lose where objective reality matters, so they pretend that there is something evil about objective reality.

Corrupters tend to assume that to place any importance on external reality is misplaced to a point of evil. To them, it's like wasting resources, because it doesn't focus upon the persons. They expect all effort to be directed toward the persons (only themselves, actually), and to not do so is a failure to exploit realities.

One of the things they are missing is that life does not have to be conflict to a point of war which requires exploitation and contradictions. In fact, what external realities do is to harmonize life, so people can live for higher purposes without conflicts. Only external realities can harmonize life, since personal realities cannot be sorted out at the social level.

It's strange that corrupters never notice any of this as they attack opponents personally pretending to take apart someone's personal life to a point of name calling as the solution to their conflicts. It's supposed to be more than obvious that no one's personal life and private realities can be sorted out socially.

Of course, external realities start with the laws of the universe, such as gravity. As humans influence external realities they need to harmonize their influence with existing realities including laws of the universe and evolved concerns that people acquire. Doing that is a process called rationality.



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