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The Difference Between Science And Engineering


February 5, 2022

The difference between science and engineering is greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Real scientists tried to correct the errors of those subjects but were shoved aside by frauds.

Incompetent corrupters try to convert science into engineering, because anything goes in engineering as long as the end result is suitable. When fantasizing the result as futuristic wizardry, real science must be removed from the subject, and engineering methods are needed for the fakery.

In other words, real science is too strict and invariable in locking onto basic laws of the universe for corrupters to live with. To evade the requirements, fake engineering is needed.

Engineering is little more than measuring quantities for superficial purposes, where no relationships to anything else need to exist. Frauds need that degree of disconnect in science; so they use engineering standards rather than science standards to promote their schemes.

So fake math is used in science fraud pretending that math produces nothing but perfection, while it is used to produce fraud.

Engineers can use a broken ruler as long as they all use the same one. Scientists cannot. Fake science and technology is produced with the broken ruler.

Errors or frauds in science do not meet the requirements for universal knowledge. In fact, frauds in science will be designed to rationalize larger frauds. That's why a fake Stefan-Boltzmann constant was useful in contriving greenhouse gases. It shows forty times too much radiation given off by matter at normal temperatures. Otherwise, there isn't enough radiation available to fake greenhouse gases to be relevant.

Real science prevents such fakery from being contrived. Erroneous science allows any fraud to be sold as the answer to problems, where the result is more problems instead of fewer.

Yet corrupters are certain that contriving is the answer to their problems. In fact, they assume fraud will transform into solutions through manipulations, while objective laws create obstacles. They get that way in lying to the public to make themselves winners and then translating that result into science and technology.

There has been no real progress made with renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving for about ten years, while propagandists claim improvements are constantly being made and the future will solve all of the problems.

Real science would put the frauds in their place and end the wantonness. And that is exactly why corrupters corrupt science. They need to prevent real science from running interference with their fraudulent schemes which have the purpose of ripping people off.

No one can get past 15% renewables as wind and solar, because the fluctuations are too rapid and extreme. Yet frauds claim all energy sources will be converted to wind and solar. Germany is building coal plants and buying natural gas from Russia at 15% renewables, because they cannot produce more renewables without destroying their energy systems. But they have to keep lying about it to please the greens who claim such renewables are "on par with coal." At 15% renewables, electricity costs ten times as much as coal powered electricity, which is 40¢ per kilowatt hour where coal should be 4¢ pkwh. On par is nothing but more fraud.

Bureaucrats claim electric motors get 96% efficiency which results in electric vehicles getting 100 to 150 miles per gallon equivalent. Transformation of electrical energy into kinetic energy can never be more than 40% efficient and results in 25% efficiency under operating conditions (which means electric motors). Considering all factors, electric vehicles get 5 to 10 miles per gallon equivalent.

Fraud journalists and greens pretend that electricity is the answer to everything, while the opposite is true. Electricity is the most inefficient method of handling energy, because large amounts of heat are produced as lost energy, while electrons move through mediums which are usually metals. The transmission lines cost more than the sources when about 300 miles long in addition to destroying environments to intolerable extremes.

Germany cannot send electricity from it's coastal windmills to the south, because the lines are too environmentally destructive.

There wouldn't be enough metal on planet Earth to electrify the transportation system at its present level. And there wouldn't be enough space for the transmission lines. The increase was forced to a virtual halt years ago for those reason, while fakes keep lying to the public about it.

Real science puts an end to that nonsense. Fraud in science does not.

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