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Why Counter-Intentions


Corrupters are brain-dead. So they have to have a method of determining what reality is. Their method is counter-intention.

Counter-intention is doing the opposite of what enemies do or claiming reality is the opposite of what opponents claim.

The simplest example is grounding every piece of metal in a kitchen. During the 1950s, electricity manuals would put precautions at the beginning. High on the list was the saying, never touch ground while working with electricity, because ground is a voltage, so touching any other voltage creates a shock. So grounding all metal in a kitchen puts anyone who touches it in contact with a voltage, and any other voltage creates a shock. People have been harmed or killed by the result, but no one would ever be harmed by not grounding metal.

That's counter-intention. It's doing the opposite of what specialists say to do. More and more of common realities are based on counter-intentions, as corrupters take over the social order and reverse what rational persons have been doing.

This tendency is most obvious in science, particularly physics, which is more politics than science, since nothing in physics since Newton's laws has been correct. An example is the claim that the asteroid belt was not created by a planet exploding between Mars and Jupiter, as scientists have been saying, but by the gravity of Jupiter causing rocks to go into orbit half way between Jupiter and Mars—in other words, no explanation at all, just a mockery of what scientists have been saying—counter-intention.

Nothing needs to be known about a subject to produce counter-intention, and still the purpose is served in prevailing against opponents by negating their realities or purposes.



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