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Contradictions In Making Sin Pay

There is no way to make sin pay without contradictions. That's what sin means; it means destructivity. The contradictions must be denied and rationalized being self-condemning. Hypocrisy is always an element of sin for that reason.

The dynamic of making sin pay starts with a combination of incompetence and attempts to gain something from the incompetence. In other words, corrupters have a reality problem and attempt to get something out of corrupt reality.

A deficiency of reality results in over-simplification. Empty minded persons do no evaluating in producing spurious results. In fact, their results tend to be the opposite of their claims. The reason is that their claims are rationalizations made in sanctimonious terms for self-justification, while the results are reactions to stimuli which are never aligned upon realities.

Corrupters assume they can just wish reality into existence and no one else has ever wanted to produce the answers but themselves. What do they think everyone else has been doing? They don't know. But they consider themselves to be superior to others, because they want to wish the solutions to their problems into existence.

Corruption always has a self-righteous assumption of superiority with it for these reasons. Corrupters are so cut off from reality that they assume no one but themselves has ever wanted to solve problems. So they set off in the direction of solving (their own) problems in the most simplistic, idiot manner imaginable. Like, maybe the water problem can be solved by going to Mars.

Since the stupidity of corrupters puts them in conflict with everyone else's concerns, corrupters assume that everyone else has the problem. All of objective reality including laws of the universe work against corrupters, since their reality is miniscule and aligned upon justifications. But corrupters do not see the external realities and view themselves as right.

This is why corrupters live in such a small, selfish bubble. They are cut off from external realities by their stupidity and assume that everything that flows out from them must be the answer to everything, while everything that comes back at them must be corruption.



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