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The Anti-Reality Reaction


The anti-reality reaction is an assumption that reality is the problem rather than the answer. When awareness of reality is reduced, the meaning and importance of reality is not recognized. Yet reality remains imposing. The impositions of reality without the understanding creates a reaction against reality.

It's sort of like looking through a fog. If only a few nearby objects are visible in a fog, a person might assume there is nothing more there. What is not seen in a fog could be anything from skyscrapers in a city to an empty field.

When reality is not visible, it becomes irrelevant, and other concerns replace the importance of reality. It is motives and related subjectivity that replace the relevance of realities.

So corruption results in motives and subjective concerns replacing reality based concerns. But realities keep imposing upon everyone and cannot be ignored. So corrupters react against the realities which impose upon them.

The reason why realities keep imposing upon corrupters is because life is made up of realities and therefore sustained through realities. Realities have to be accounted for and aligned properly to sustain life.

When rational persons align upon realities to solve problems as needed to sustain life, it lights off corrupters who find the imposition of realities upon them to be intolerable.

So corrupters attack and degrade rational persons for developing and using realities as a method of solving problems. The problem-solving characteristics of rationality are problem creating processes to persons who are reacting against realities.

Rational persons develop realities through information, evaluation and criticism. Doing that is intolerable to persons who are reacting against realities.

The reaction against realities causes corrupters to assume realities should be suppressed, concealed, denied and lied about. Corrupters assume that corrupting reality is a virtue, not a vice. To them, corrupting reality is a necessity, because it protects them from the conflicts and contradictions that result from realities being imposed upon them. Lying and all forms of reality degradation are supposed necessities in preventing realities form being imposed.

To corrupters, degradation of reality is like wearing clothes in that it conceals the more important essence of life—the motives and subjective concerns that dominate the existence of corrupters. Correct reality is like nakedness to them in that it exposes them for the corrupters that they are.

So corrupters are very self-righteous in their war against correct reality. Turning reality into garbage is a virtue to them, and the persons who don't are supposedly the ruination of man.



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