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Anti-Rationality By Analogy

Persons who spend their time doing the wrong things do not acquire abstract reality. It means they do not have real knowledge, because it takes study to acquire knowledge, which is time consuming and difficult. No one can put knowledge into someone else's head. People have to do it themselves, and some persons don't get it done, because they are distracted by being winners at everything they do.

So they can't produce rationality. Rationality is making relationships between one thing another. Relationships are abstract. That means nonperceivable. After perception, the connections between one thing and another have to be determined by study of relationships which are abstract (nonperceivable).

So persons who lack the knowledge needed for abstract reality and rationality find other (irrational) ways of doing things. Basically, they start at the desired end points and lie about how to get there. Usually, they can avoid any explanation of how they get to end points, which results in clipped communication. Such persons tend to use very short statements forcing people to guess at what they mean.

An analogy is to go into a candy store and point to the things they want to buy; so the clerk picks them out. But there is this store where the clerk doesn't have very good eye sight; so he says to describe the candy. Who the hell knows what is in candy? It's that gummy stuff there. Well, 70% of it is gummy; what does it taste like? It's sort of between fruit and vegetables.

That's the problem persons run into when they can't produce rationality due to a lack of abstract reality in their heads. Explaining is a muddled waste of time.

This problem is compounded by the fact that such persons are idiots causing them to assume everyone is like themselves. They assume no one can produce rationality with abstract reality. So when some persons do, the idiots assume the rational persons are pulling something off feeding people a bunch of contrivance.

You can't tell such persons anything. They don't know that one and one equals two unless the right persons say so. They look to authority figures to determine what reality is. The result is that authority figures get by with endless corruption, because gullible persons use them as the source of reality.

Relativity has the purpose of stripping rationality from physics. It contradicts the most basic logic of physics. Relativity says the velocity of light is determined by receiving points, so effect precedes cause, which can never occur. It also says that since light cannot have infinite velocities, we will pretend that we can use infinite reference frames to determine the velocity of something that is highly variable. Infinite reference frames is even more absurd than infinite velocities, because then the whole universe is put into various motions to fix the motion of light.

Incompetents strip rationality from physics, so they don't have to explain. If they had to explain, they would show their ignorance. They use end-points only. It's like going into a candy store and pointing rather than describing the candy.

Corruption requires an opposition to rationality, not only because incompetents are incapable of producing rationality, but also because rationality is how truth is produced, and truth exposes incompetence and corruption.

Incompetent power mongers acquire what they get through corruption, which makes rationality threatening to them. They view rational persons as hostile to their way of life, as rationality places demands upon them which they cannot meet in addition to exposing their corruptions. Being illogical and rationalistic, they talk themselves into believing that irrationality is the necessary social norm and rational persons are the corrupters for forcing something that doesn't work onto them.

Corrupters can convince themselves that corruption is necessary and constructive, because they only view a few minutes of time as relevant. They cannot relate their standard to long-term consequences. So a three second win defines their concept of what is right, even though the corruption drags down the social order.

In other words, corruption is rationalized by shortening the time frame down to the immediate gains while disconnecting from the longer term consequences. It takes awhile for truth and justice to catch up to corrupters, so they don't account for long term consequences in their view of what is right and normal socially.



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