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Anti-liberalism Fraud

Low level conservatives have been attacking liberalism in a fraudulent manner, which adds to the fraudulent impact of conservatives. The basic fraud of invalid criticism is to use examples. The problem with examples is that an example can be found for any purpose or synthesized or lied about. An example tells nothing about anything other than that example; yet fakes derive scandalous accusations out of examples.

The favorite now days is snow flakes at universities being offended by everything and needing a safe space to escape to. Whether that pattern exists or is good or bad says nothing about anything. It doesn't even say whether such persons are liberals, let alone whether the rest of the liberals are snow flakes escaping from their sensitivities.

But the supposed existence of such crazies is supposed to be the reason for opposing liberalism, which means tax dollars are supposed to be burned to stop social programs for the needy. The purposes do not have a connection. But degenerate accusations are not based on connections, they are based upon character assassination. If the target persons have character flaws, then everything else they do must be corrupt also.

Character assassination is the foundation of all that corrupt persons do. Even in court rooms, degrading the opponent is viewed as the key to success. Satan is called the accuser in the Bible, because he sets the standard of character assassination as his ticket to success.

Social standards need to be defined by rationality. That means describing objective realities which are the causes and solutions to problems. Anything other than that creates more problems instead of solving problems.

Truth produced through rationality might really assassinate the character of corrupters, but through that methodology truth does what it is supposed to do. In other words, rationality producing truth properly aligns the realities defining the nature of the problems and the solutions. So corrupters feel insulted by the resulting truth. It means they insult themselves by creating that truth. That's a whole different process from contriving fraud as an attack upon opponents.

Rationality moves a subject into the objective medium, where life is defined. Corrupters operate in a subjective medium where fraud is the only outcome.

The boundary between objective rationality and subjective error is argued by rational persons. Those arguments sort out through the rationality process, and truth prevails through the interaction of realities. The problem is that subjective attack is so far removed from that boundary that it has to be recognized as the fraud that it is. Instead, it creates the basis for all that corrupters do.

Subjective attack is defined by the absence of necessary explanations and information which allows the truth to be established through criticism and counter criticism. There is no response possible for subjective realities. So corrupters assume subjectivity is their ticket to success. Preventing opponents from correcting fraud as a sure method of winning is social ruin for everyone. It puts corrupters in control of our lives.



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