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The Problem with Washington: Bigotry, Elitism and Domination as the Source of Truth

To rational persons, truth is determined by its consistent relationships to surrounding realities. To corrupters, truth is determined by the prevailing influence. Corrupters cannot produce rationality, so they determine truth through a mechanism resembling evolution, where the fittest survive. That which survives some hoodwinking scheme is supposedly truth.

In fact, with complete honesty, truth always is what survives or prevails through all interactions of realities. But corrupters misdirect the process. They railroad the subject and destroy opponents, until they get the version of truth they want.

At the starting point, only rationality can determine truth. Truth is that reality which relates consistently to the rest of objective reality. Whether the relationships are consistent can only be determined through rationality. Rationality is the application of reason. Reason is the process of relating one reality to another—not an opinion, a process. Only truth prevails when realities openly (accountably) interact.

Corrupters must do everything in the dark, because truth always prevails where realities openly interact. No one needs to arbitrate truth, all they need to do is create the open interaction of realities, and truth will always be the result. It takes connivance in the dark to get a false substitute for truth.

Corrupters cannot produce rationality, because they never spent enough time developing abstract reality (knowledge) in their minds. So they get what they want through force instead of rationality. Power is required to overwhelm opponents without rationality, so corrupters become power mongers.

Mongering power requires bigotry, elitism, domination and exploitation. Bigotry is the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption. Elitism is the assumption that persons with power are more worthy than opponents and infallible in their conclusions. We saw the ultimate achievement of such corrupters with Nazism. Corrupters always promote such standards, but never so openly as the Nazis did.

Why do these corruptions prevail in Washington? Because that is where the power is mongered. Rational persons used to prevail through democratic processes, but those processes have crumbled under the weight of corruption. The primary factor is darkness which perpetually increases in all that the government does. Truth and rationality can't be produced under such conditions.

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